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Linking Workforce Development, Education & Economic Development In Armstrong, Butler & Indiana Counties

Career Clusters in the Tri-County

What exactly is the Tri-County?

The Tri-County refers to the three counties of Indiana, Armstrong and Butler in Pennsylvania.  This group share the same prioritized career clusters.  There are many job opportunities in the three counties yet not all students may be aware of these businesses.  In addition, not all students may be aware of the various types of businesses are operating in the counties.  This year, the TCWIB will be bringing focus to the various opportunities available in the three counties.

What is a Career Cluster?

According to Google, Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. Students, parents, and educators can use Career Clusters to help focus education plans towards obtaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and training for success in a particular career pathway.

What are the Career Clusters for the Tri-County?

There are twelve career clusters identified for the counties of Indiana, Armstrong and Butler.

Advanced Manufacturing Agriculture & Food Production
Bio-Medical Building & Construction
Business Services Education
Energy Health Care
Hospitality, Leisure & Entertainment Logistics & Transportation
Real Estate, Finance & Insurance Wood, Wood Products & Publishing


Tri-County Workforce Investment Board is one of twenty-two regions in Pennsylvania that has specific career clusters identified by the Department of Labor & Industry as a priority.  These career clusters or Industry Clusters are explained in depth on the TCWIB webpage, which you may review now at https://tricountywib.org/programs/industry-clusters.

What essential skills are employers looking for in a candidate?

The personal characteristics of reliable attendance while working, effective communication skills, professionalism, reliability, respect and a positive work ethic appear to be the most popular traits in hiring new employees.

Student Video Library – A Glimpse Inside the Career Clusters

These videos allow students to explore various employment opportunities within various career clusters. Over the years, we hope to provide additional videos of opportunities available in the Tri-County.

Pennsylvania and other workforce development regions have video libraries available.  We (The TCWIB) intend to focus on the Tri-County.  If you explore the Commonwealth’s information, you will see A Day-in-the-life Videos at https://www.pasmart.gov/discover-new-career-paths/learn-about-new-careers/ where you will find:

Explore a Day in Your Dream Career

Register for PA CareerLink’s® interactive career exploration tool, Day-in-the-Life Videos , powered by VirtualJobShadow® to plan your next career. These engaging videos capture a day-in-the-life of professionals in a wide range of careers, giving you an in-depth look at careers that match your interests and abilities. These videos include real people, real work places, and real advice on landing the job you want. Search by educational level or keyword, or explore 16 different career groups.

We hope to share the career opportunities that are available in the Indiana, Armstrong and Butler county area to enhance our metropolitan Pittsburgh opportunities with you here.

Additional resources available for you may be found at the U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop.